The Best Stellaris Mod - New Ship Classes & More

Stellaris is a recommended mod.
Mod to introduce today is New Ship Classes & More.
You can find it in Stellaris WorkShop.
It is currently available in 1. 9. * version.
Due to the version upgrade, the content may be different after the update.
Check out your Stellaris version.

This is a new ship that has not been in the vanilla version and has added new features. As the number of subscriptions proves, many users use it.

After the game starts, a message box asking whether NSC is applied is displayed.

Click on your Flag / Government tab in the top left corner to view the NSC Settings menu.

You can create AI difficulty and Guardian, AI ship in NSC settings. The generated location is random. You have to set it here once. Otherwise, you will not see until the end. It seems that it can be set many times.

In this mode you can get a weakened Guardian by removing or investigating the Guardian. It does not consume maintenance cost. When creating a Guardian, AI ship, you can set a probability. You can also set the probability of a Guardian or an AI ship by its entirety or type. Among the Guardians, there are Guardians who wander around the planet, so be careful.

New ships can be produced through research.

Light Carrier, Battlecruiser, Strike Cruiser, Carrier, Dreadnought, Superdreadnought, Flagship.

As it is a big Mod, there are several versions.

New Ship Classes & More 

The original version.
  • New Ship Classes
  • New Station Classes
  • 18 New Playable Races
  • Playable Guardians
  • Components Feature
  • New Weapons
  • New Spaceport Modules
  • New Buildings
  • New Megastructures
  • Vanilla Improvements
  • And Much More
Some functions require DLC.

New Ship Classes & More: Streamlined 

It is NSC for users who do not want all extended functions.
  • Includes : NSC main ship / station, weapon, related elements around parts
  • Doesn't Include : everything not covered by the NSC ship / station, Playable Guardians and all playable ship styles, building modules and giant structures.
Lite version does not require DLC.

Playable Guardians Standalone 

It is a version that separates only the guardian contents.
  • Additional Color Variations For Select Guardians
  • Playable & Replaceable Guardians
  • Reworked Guardian Systems
  • Improved Guardian Weaponry & Scaling
  • Fixed the Guardian Weaponry Bug
  • Fixes & Improvements To The Vanilla Guardian Event File
Leviathans DLC is required.

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New Ship Classes
  • Strike Cruiser  Battle Cruiser  Light Carrier  Carrier  Dreadnought  Superdreadnought  Flagship

Base Ship Classes
  • Corvette  Destroyer  Cruiser  Battleship

If you set a rating,
  • Strike Cruiser, Battle Cruiser and Light Carrier are located between Cruiser and Battleship.
  • Carrier, Dreadnought, Superdreadnought, Flagship are located behind Battleship.
Flagship is only available in one production.

There is also an Add on version that does not require NSC.
You can get more accurate information and images from Stellaris Workshop and nscmod.
Click to view the original size image.

The Best Stellaris Mod
The Best Stellaris Mod