The Best Age of Wonders 3 Mod - Racial Class Unit Reskin

Age of Wonders 3 Recommended Mod.
Mod to introduce today is Racial Class Unit Reskin.
Age of Wonder 3 WorkShop.
It is currently available in 1. 8. * version.
Due to the version upgrade, the content may be different after the update.
Check out your Age of Wonders 3 version.

Racial Class Unit Reskin Mod is a graphics related mod.
It makes it easy to distinguish the occupation units by adding their own characteristics to their appearance.
If you care about aesthetic elements, it is a required mod.
  • Human
  • High Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Orc
  • Goblin
  • Drakonian
  • Halfling
  • Tigran
  • Frostring
We have implemented the features of 9 races (Mod can add 2 races).
In the vanilla version, the unit can distinguish only a small goblin.

Go to Racial Class Unit Reskin
Recommended Mod Collection

For more images, go to AOW3 Workshop.
Click to view original image size.

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