The Best Age of Wonders 3 Mod - Archon Race Mod (1) Editing

The mod to introduce today is Archon Race Mod.
You can find it in Steam WorkShop.
It is currently available in 1. 8. * version.
Due to the version upgrade, the content may be different after the update.
Check out your Age of Wonders 3 version.

Archon Race New Race
<Celeron cpu 1037u / Intel graphic. It may be very different from the above image ..>

These otherworldy beings fight fiercely for life, order, and good. Their soldiers strike with the holy power of the living. Archons fight for just causes, and preach virtue and obedience to their subjects. They seldom seek to overrun any kingdom, but instead seem to appear where they might most likely be overpowered. Still, they persevere and are fearless in the face of death. They appear as tall, sturdy, humanoids with striking features and a radiant aura that has led many to tremble before them. They are particularly powerful against the Undead. Historically, the Archons have shared close relations with the Elves, but in recent centuries the Elves and Archons have known their share...

It was Archon Revenant, which came out as an undead in AOW3. Does that mean you have a chance to use a terrifying giant as your base unit? I do not think so. Let's take a look at how the creator created it.

Archon Race New Race

Races Introduction 

  • Like : Fertile Plains 
  • Dislike : Volcanic,  Subterranian 
  • Hate : Blighted 
  • Bunuses : +20% Spirit Protection +1 Spirit Ranged Strength  Undead Slayer  Slow Healing

These other world beings like humans like plains, do not like subterranians like high elves, and hate blighted. It is strong against undead races, but it is weak against races with high resistance. Each time you win a battle, you have Slow Healing as a bonus, as opposed to an Orc with a Victory Rush ability and a Drakonian with a Fast Healing ability. It's a negative factor, not a plus. So you have to focus on fighting against other races. It is hard to survive in a continuous battle because the recovery is slow. You will need to find a way to overcome these shortcomings.

Archon Race New Race

Military bonus (M) Economic bonus (E)

  • M : If there is a temple in the city, the garrison HP recovery rate is + 20%. Except undead or machine.
  • E : Cost of construction of barracks -25.

  • M : All Legion + 5 HP and +1 Spirit, Fire ranged damage.
  • E : Barracks and War Hall +50 Morales.

  • M : All Valkyrie +2 Shock melee damage, an Inflict shocking ability.
  • E : +10 Knowledge at the observatory.

  • M : All Avengers +4 Movement, +5 HP, an Instant wrath ability.
  • E : + 100% Knowledge bonus from Akon City.

  • M : Archon infantry, pikeman, cavalry, and irregular +2 Spirit, Fire melee damage.
  • E : barracks, war hall, judge's court (justicar's courts) +20 productivity.

 Military bonuses add fire or shock damage to combat high-spirit-resistance units. When it becomes an deity, magical melee damage is added to all units, giving damage to units with high physical defense by Flanking. 
 Economic bonuses are concentrated in knowledge and production. knowledge bonuses allow you to upgrade your Empire skills and class units faster, and you can easily build units with increased production.

The Akon Pikeman has quick access to ranged enemies with flying. It has a first strike ability, so it can not attack enemies and can not escape. Unique-style support units, 3-tier units capable of both ranged and melee attacks
You can see the traces of each unit to differentiate the roles and to make the most of it.

To make this race easier to deal with,

You must use units with high spirit resistance!
  • A Tigran tribe with a 40% spirit resistance by default is suitable. Especially, the Sun Guard has fire resistance, so you can surprise the avenger, the third tier unit of the Akon.

Use Armor Piercing units!
  • Five of base units is armored unit.

Use a ranged units!
  • The Akon tribe is a melee unit. 1 tier archer unit exists, but not as powerful as a high elf. Supportive units are melee attacks, and it takes a long time to reach a 3-tier unit capable of ranged attacks.

Archon Unit Configuration
Building Tier Required Unit Tier Army Unit Name Rankup Building
0 Nothing 1 Irregular Archon Acolyte Justicar's Courts
1 Barracks 1 Infantry Archon Legionary Arena,  Justicar's Courts
1 Archer Archon Archer Shooting Grounds,  Justicar's Courts
2 War Hall 2 Pikeman Archon Valkyrie Guards House,  Justicar's Courts
2 Cavalry Archon Paladin Rider's Hall,  Justicar's Courts
3 Justicar's Courts 3 Irregular Archon Avenger Justicar's Courts
2 Temple 2 Support Archon Lightbinder Laboratory

Graatz, a muscled orc smiled sardonically as he saw the young, slender man dressed in white who was sitting in the sand during his morning prayer. Confidently he walked up to him to demand all the man's worth as a toll. 'And if I don't pay?' 'Then you'll pay with you life!' Graatz raised menacingly his spear. 'Stop, I'll pay you!' The young man handed the orc his money bag, which he greedily grasped at. However, at that moment the young man grabbed vigorously his hand. The orc screamed terribly and staggered back but the young man has already touched the orc's forehead, whereupon he collapsed unconscious. The young man looks compassionately down at the orc. 'Hm, these orcs will never learn that's no violation of an acolyte's morning prayer remains unpunished.' - From 'The True Spirit of Archon' by Fredericus Lux Sancta, Bishop of Bingham

NameArchon AcolyteArchon Acolyte
Cost40 Upkeep 4 
SkillMelee Strike   2  Can trigger up to 3 times / Allows retaliations
Psychic Touch13 ,  8  while  2  reduce  -2 ,  -600 Morale
Undead SlayerDeals +3  damage against Undead units. 
Spirit Protection20% less damage from  / 20% lower chance against 
Elite SkillPhaseTeleports to target unoccupied Hex in Combat. The unit retains 1 Action Point, but no  / Requires 3 action points / Can only be used once per battle
Race SkillArchon Deity MillitaryInfancy, Pikeman, Civarly, Irregualr  +2  Melee
Trooper+1  Melee,  +2 
Veteran+1  Melee,  +1 ,  +2 
Expert+1  Melee,  +1 ,  +2 
Elite+1  Melee,  +1 ,  +4 ,  Phase 

Acolight Priest? Can be produced without the necessary building.
Tier 1 Irregular with low Hp, Attack and Defense. In addition, the slow healing (slow healing) characteristics are less viable. But there are differences from other races.

Right psychic touch? (Psychic Touch). 'Without money! Pay for your life! ' It is said that this technology is used by Orc.
This attack can reduce enemy resistance -2, -600 morale for 2 turns.
Of course, it is probabilistic. However, the Sorcerer Hero has a skill that can be learned by leveling up, this unit has from the beginning.

If you move up to Elite Rank, you gain Phase skill. You can use your Pahse skills to attack your enemies. Even if you do not have a phase skill, if you succeed in attacking, you can battle in a better position than the enemy.

아콘 종족 발키리

아콘 종족 발키리

'We were on the way from Oakcastle to the Valley of Flowers where we wanted to found a new settlement. However, on the bridge over the Dead-soldier's creek, we got into an ambush by villainous goblins. At first we were able to keep them off the bridge with our crossbows but unfortunately they got three wyvern riders reinforcement from which we could hardly protect us there on the bridge. Then we suddenly heard approaching griffin calls. We looked back, where already the goblins had cut off our line of retreat. so it's no wonder that we were more than happy when we now noticed a group of Valkyries appearing from behind a rock formation and preparing to support us in our defense struggle. Skillfully using their lances in flight these brave warrior maids had quickly won air supremacy. Shocked by this sudden turn the coward goblins felt compelled to flee and hide themselves in their narrow caves in order to escape the constant attacks of the Archon Valkyries.'
- from the memoirs of an Archon settler

Content ETC
Name Archon Valkyrie Archon Valkyrie
Tier 2 Require War Hall 
85   15 
Upkeep 8 
Movement 30 
Defense 10 
Skill Melee Strike   3  Can trigger up to 3 times / Allows retaliations
Passive Pikeman Type
Archon Race
Flying All terrain 3   Mountains 5  / In combat, unit is able to fly over obstacles / Not benefit from Roads
Charge First strike in melee combat if the unit has moved 4 or more hexes +6 
First Strike Attacks first when defending / Prevents the Charge damage bonus / Does not work when this unit is Flanked
Polearm Deals +5  Melee damage against Mounted,  Lesser Flying, and Flying units.  
Pike Squre Gains +3  Defense against Mounted, Flying, and Lesser Flying units.
Armored Defense +2 
Undead Slayer Deals +3  damage against Undead units. 
SLow Healing
Spirit Protection 20% less damage from  / 20% lower chance against 
Veteran Skill Spirit Protection 20% less damage from  / 20% lower chance against 
Tireless No Action Points are spend on retaliations and Attacks of Opportunity
Race Skill Inflict Shock Chance 7  while 2  reduce -8 ,  -40%  shock resistance
Rank Recruit
Trooper +1  Melee,  +4 
Veteran +1  Melee,  +1 ,  +4 ,    Spirit Protection
Expert +1  Melee,  +1 ,  +4 
Elite +1  Melee,  +1 ,  +8 ,   Tireless
Champion +10 

Akon Valkyrie is the Pikeman of the Akon tribe, and the first time he saw the Drakonian Charger. When defending, take a Pike Squire character, gain a +3 Physical Defense bonus from attacks on flying units, and add +5 melee to Mounted and Flying units with Polearm characteristics. You can give. It also has Charge characteristics, which are very powerful for cavalry and flying units. What if Valkyrie is flanking?

Unlike the Drakonian Charger, it is a 2-tier unit. Ranking is better than 1 tier unit. When you become Elite, you get infinite Tireless. If you have a healer in your ally, you can use the terrain to keep it pretty strong.

However, except for spirit resistance as a racial bonus, you will not be able to survive if you are assaulted by enemy forces because you are not highly defensive. It is stronger than the Charger because it is wearing Armored. (Armor piercing has a weakness!)

It's a good idea to avoid combat with units that have Overwhelm characteristics or the same Pikeman. Mainly ignoring tankers, you can quickly reach and destroy ranged units, or even time yourself in defensive mode. When you get Champion rating, you can get +2 Shock Melee and Inflict Shock to reduce enemy movement.

It is a flying unit and has less movement penalty. You can lure the enemy's main force and create a Valkyrie unit to attack the city.

Thus, Valkyrie is an indispensable part of the Akon tribe that can fulfill its role in the right place.