The Best Stellaris Mod - More Events mod

Stellaris recommended mode.
The mode to introduce today is More Events Mod.
This Mod can be found in Stellaris WorkShop Steam.
If you play Stellaris, you may feel the boredom of mid-flight without war.
This mode will break the boredom.
It is currently available in 1. 9. * version.
Due to the version upgrade, the content may be different after the update.
Check out your Stellaris version.

When you start Stellaris and immediately go to the Events tab, there is no MEM menu.
I need to get you started.
Then you will be notified by voice message.
You can activate MEM, which begins with the effect and applied to the Gaia planet, the Shielded planet. After selecting the Gaia planet, you can check it by turning it On or Off.
Turn Off is active. Do not get confused.
That is, the mode is turned on.

More Events Mod


Are you looking for more action and exciting events that will appear throughout your day as a slave and conquer your business? Just like us, when you find that there is little interesting transition in the mid to late games, you are in the right place. This mode adds new exceptions, events, and crises to the game. Focus on decorating the game after the exploration is slowed down.


This mod will be constantly updated with new content for your game. All events are designed to be balanced with the events in the vanilla game.

As you can see, Mod is designed to reduce boredom from middle and late times. achievement will be disable.

Mod Content

Anomalies and Events to add more variety to your gaming expierience.
Also this mod adds deactivatable planetary shield graphics as well as an also deactivatable alternative version of the shieldworld planets.
The planetary shield generator's stats differ from vanilla. Instead of science (you built it and it is no science lab, why should it offer science?) it now provides unity and a small happiness bonus.

Go to this Mod
Go to recommended Collection

In this menu, you can generate various anomalies directly.
In addition, you can produce ancient ships by level.
Let's look at the image below.

More Events mod
More Events mod
More Events mod

More Events mod
